February 5th, 2006 - THE STEELERS WIN THE SUPER BOWL!!!
Yeah, okay, so it wasn't my Chiefies, and yeah, the Steelers' win earlier in the season put my boys out of the Playoffs. I'm still glad they won - mainly because Shorty is a rabid Steelers fan and if I didn't cheer for them I would be kicked out of the house and forced to live on the street, selling my hair clippings for a Big Mac. Also, I like the Steelers. They've been my second favorite team for about 6 years, and I love Jerome Bettis, so their win was pretty sweet. It also makes Shorty a little easier to live with. It's awful to see a 35 year old man whine, pout and cry, and since that's exactly what would have happened if the Seahawks had won, I'd say it's a good thing Big Ben pulled his head out of his butt and managed to bust out a few good plays for the win.
Yes, I'll admit that the refs made some really cheesy, questionable calls and Big Ben seemed afraid to throw the ball for the first half of the game. Bettis did well, but I totally think Hines Ward deserved the MVP. Randle Ele is The Shit and further confirmed my opinion that when Ben was out during the season, Bill Cowher should have just bypassed Turnover Tommy Maddox and Charlie Batch and put Randle Ele in as QB. That pass to Hines in the end zone was absolutely perfect.
For those of you who have a few arguments regarding the game, let me put those to rest. First, yes, it was a touchdown, the ball did cross the plane in the air, although it landed short of the line when Ben hit the ground. Get a pair of glasses and watch the replay again. Second, Darrell Jackson did push off of Chris Hope. I'll admit that it was a cheesy call and the push off was slight and couldn't have given Jackson much, if any, of an advantage, but it was still a blatant push off. Third, yes, it did seem that the Hawks were playing against the Steelers as well as the refs, but if their kicker, Brown, can't blame his pitiful performance on anyone but himself.
Another football season ends, and it was a perfect ending for Jerome's career. Ben needs to buck up a little more under the pressure, Bill Cowher still scares the crap out of me & Hines Ward would have been robbed if they had given the MVP to Bettis. I still maintain that next year will be my Chiefies' year, even though our new head coach is a little nutty.
LOL! I hope he (Randle El) stays with the Steelers.
I hate to say it, but after the season LJ had, it would be smart for Priest to retire. He's not going to be #1 anymore, he's going to have to fight to get back in the line up and he might not be 100% health-wise. I'd hate to see him leave, but when he did play last season, he did well. I'd rather see him leave on that note. (I hate you when you're right! :P)
I don't think I like you anymore
Whatever, Scott, you love me and you miss playing softball with me! Admit it! :P
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