Thursday, March 30, 2006


My super awesome friend, Karina, invited me to go to Arctic Man next weekend with her family!!!

For those of you who don't know, Arctic Man is like the ultimate party for snowmachiners. Several thousand nut bags trailer their sleds and drive to Summit, AK to watch the Arctic Man race, which involves a crazy skiier or snowboarder partnering up with an equally crazy snowmachiner. Crazy skiier/snowboarder duder launches him/herself down the mountain, hooks up with crazy snowmachine duder at the bottem and gets towed back up the mountain to the release point and then hauls butt to the finish line. The team who makes it to the finish line the fastest wins. It's tons of fun, and there are lots of cool activities, like sno cross races, the big air competition and the poker run, that go on before and after the day of the race. It's freaking awesome and was kind of a tradition for me until the last three years, which I've missed. I've totally been going into withdrawals and thanks to Karina, I get to go this year!!! WOO HOO!!! Karina popped the question the other day after soccer, and now I'm scrambling to take care of details, but I can't freaking wait!!! Power, snow, moutains, FUN!!!

This is what I'll be doing next week:

Only it will be on my dad's Ski Doo Summit 800. Yeah, I know, it's not an Arctic Cat, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. Plus, it's a great excuse to go by new gear!



At 7:29 PM, Blogger Spyder said...

you ROCK Skipper !!!

At 10:05 AM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

Thanks, guys!! I'm totally excited!

At 8:53 PM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

Linds, you are the snow machine womanimal. I think you should have that picture of you on the back of your sled with a beer blown up and framed. You represent all that is good and true to Arctic Barbie can look hot and still live in the freakin' arctic and have FUN!!! ( can have fun at -40F...we proved this many times while wearing wool miniskirts and platform lug-soled shoes in -40F on the way to class at the University of Alaska Fairbanks...mind over was our job as Arctic Barbie Girls to bring fashion to Fairbanks, Alaska no matter the toll on our bodies...and DUH! we wore knit tights with our swanky duds, so we stayed super warm...I don't care what the earthy crunchy backwoodsey students/people said about us!)I'm still dead-set on making three pair of sweatpants with our university letters on our butt...long live 'FU'!!! (that would be Fairbanks University for those who don't know what I'm talking about!)

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