Tuesday, March 07, 2006

The Things I Do For My Friends! Seriously!

K was in town yesterday, so I woke up at the butt-crack of dawn to get ready in time to pick her up from the airport. See, I can be sweet and self-less, no matter what you hear from Shorty.

I gave K my truck for the rest of the day so she could do some running around and hit up her orthodontist appointment, which she's saying is the real reason she came to Fairbanks, when everyone knows that she really missed me terribly and just had to see me.

She picked me up at noon for lunch at Chilis, which was actually very good. I had a gigantic salad that I couldn't finish, and I was still full by the time she picked me up from work at 4. (Yes, I got off early! WOO HOO!) We headed over to Pikes and met Shea at the bar for drinks and appetizers before I had to drop K back off at the airport. I ordered the steamer clams and found a tiny little itty bitty crab in one of the shells!! Looks like he scrambled in there to try and hide (or he got eaten by a clammy) and ended up in my bowl. Hee hee. So I got steamer clams and crab!

This past weekend was a little nuts. Warren & Sheilah came over Friday nite after I painted one of the walls downstairs and we ordered burgers to-go from Red Fox, which is right down the street. Sheilah and I let the boys talking us into picking dinner up. It wasn't quite 8 and we were already in our PJs, and I didn't think anyone would really be at the Fox that early on a Friday nite, so we waltzed into the bar, Sheilah sporting her cute little penguin jammies and I decked out in my pale blue stripey PJs from Old Navy - and we walked right into a full bar! We got a few weird looks, but, hey, it's Alaska, you see people wandering around Fred Meyers in their PJs, so we felt a little dorky but not totally retarded. Two drinks (I had two glasses of chardonnay and Sheilah had two White Russians) and two Buttery Nipple shots later the fude was done, so Sheilah and I stumbled home nicely buzzed. I think that might be the last time the boys let us go get fude on our own.

Saturday nite we ordered the UFC fight on pay-per-view and ended up having a houseful of people over. It was way fun! Rhonda, Jeremy and their adorable daughter, Becca, came over for the first time. It was great to see them! I think I might get commisioned to help them paint their new house that they'll be building this summer. I may demand payment in wine, I haven't decided yet. ;) I hadn't seen Joel since the Affordable summer party, so it was good to see him again. Jimmy made an appearance and stayed for poker afterwards. Glenn, Linda and their two kids came over, as well as Tel and his cutie girlfriend, Megan. Poor Megan had to put up with Shorty trying to hit on her all nite. Someday he'll realize she's mine. :P I spend some quality time trying to steal her away from her volleyball team. She's totally wasted with them. Warren and Sheilah were there, of course, and they stayed for poker afterwards.

Sunday I got rowdy and cleaned the house again, did laundry, did a trash run and shoveled off the rest of the deck. I was totally in love with the deck when we first bought the house. That was before we got two feet of snow. Now, I hate the deck and I want it gone!!! It took me forever to shovel off that damn thing! (It's over 300 sq feet.) I bought a new OPI nail polish the week before, so Megyn came over and she and I did a foot spa and I tried out my cute new toe nail polish. (Wow, I'm becoming such a GIRL! *shudder*)

I'm off to a tanning appt and then I have to pick up the monster and get her fed and bathed before my soccer game at 8! I can't wait until this summer when I'm only playing one sport instead of two . . .


At 10:49 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

kelly is pretty hot! and by the way, does your boss know you write such long blogs on company time? i might have to inform him, UNLESS someone makes me a huge dagwood sandy today and then we're good....

At 9:55 AM, Blogger Shea said...

Don't you just hate it when your clams get crabs?


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