Open Season on NFL QBs
The NFL has ruled that Robert Geathers' late hit on Trent Green wasn't a foul. I'm not sure how they came to this conclusion as Trent was well into his slide before Geathers went for his head, (the slide wasn't that late - come on!) but officials have ruled that Geathers' momentum carried him into Trent. I'm attributing this incorrect ruling to a little condition I like to call 'headus uppus the sphincterus.' I, personally, think this is a bullshit decision, but my judgement may possibly be a little clouded considering that it was my team's QB I was watching get smashed into the turf.
Still, the implication is that Geathers got off on a vicious hit due to a simple opinion. It's garbage, he should be fined and Herm Edwards should be throw out of the league.
Don't ask me what that last suggestion has to do with Geathers' late hit - I'm just scrambling for anything that will make Herm 'My Head Is Up My Pooper' Edwards go away. (I'm just pissy that our season is going to poop, my QB is injured and the new coach is an asshat.)
Honey honey just doesn't matter. It's KC. Does Trent remember who he is yet? Poor poor Kentuky Fried Chiefs. Don't worry hon, it's only the first week of the season. :P me me me...
Fly Eagles Fly
on the road to victory
Fight eagles fight
Score a touchdown 1-2-3
Hit 'em low, hit 'em high
and watch our Eagles fly
Fly Eagles fly
on the road to victory
The fighting Donavan McNabbians kicked some ass this weekend :P
I hate you.
I hate the Chiefs. Go Broncos. :P
We are so fighting right now.
Remind me again why I'm fighting for the honor of my loser-ass team?? *pouts*
It's called 'ANTEROGRADE AMNESIA'. You can't remember anything from the present (like the Chiefs truly suck). You only remember the past (Like the Chiefs being winners like 15 years ago)...just like in 50 First Dates (in lazy healthy people like yourself it's clinically called 'selective memory' actually). Perhaps you should be praying to the RETROGRADE AMNESIA (can only remember the future, not the past) gods for enlightenment and equilibrium to balance it all out. :P
While the Chiefs still do suck, I'll grant you that it should have drawn a flag and a fine.
Obviously, NFL refs and Pac-10 refs are suffering from similar rectal-cranial inversions.
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