Quickie - post, I mean
We had the best weekend ever at Birch Lake! We left Friday night after I got off work and the weather was absolutely beautiful. Friday night was spent lounging by the fire and eating chicken and apple brats (Emril does awesome stuff with meat - and I don't mean it like that, Whit, get your mind out of the gutter!) until the wee hours of the morning. There may or may not have been an entire fifth of Crown Royal involved . . .Saturday was hot and beautiful, and after stuffing ourselves with sausage, eggs and biscuits, we headed down to launch the boat and the jet skis. We played in the lake, anchored the boat out in the middle of the lake and tanned, threw a nerf football around, (Shorty was in the water and honestly, I didn't mean to throw it 3 inches short each time I passed it to him. It's not my fault I throw like a girl and he got soaked! Really!) cruised around in the boat, tore around on the jet skis and goofed off until about 7:30 when we headed back to the cabin for dinner. The boys grilled cheeseburgers, steaks and chicken and I spanked everyone in Scattergories. We hung until about 2:30 a.m. before we Sallied out and went to bed.
Sunday was even hotter than Saturday, but Warren and Shorty started whining like a couple of girls about wanting to get home early, so we packed up and headed back to Fairbanks. On the way home, we stopped at the Knotty Shop for the best ice cream in North America. Seriously, it is. I had the Cherry Vanilla and It. Was. Awesome. We were home, unpacked and I was lounging in the Jacuzzi tub by 2 in the afternoon. The rest of Sunday was spent napping on the couch with the spoiled rotten little hairballs who missed us terribly, munching and watching TV.
I wish we could have stayed longer on Sunday, but it was kinda nice to get home at a decent hour and have time to chill and nap. We did get a few pictures, which I'll post as soon as I find time to download everything onto the computer.
So, the weekend was awesome and I didn't feel the tiniest bit bad about missing the womens Golden Days softball tourney. I'm kinda burned out and I really don't think I'll play Late Season, but then again, I always say that and I always end up on a team or two. We'll see. I did order a new bat bag since the strap on my old one broke, and it would be a shame for it to not be used . . . .
Direct quote from Lindsey Brown: 'Friday night was spent lounging by the fire and eating chicken and apple brats (Emril does awesome stuff with meat -'
K, so right-off-the-bat I'm totally skeeved. Chicken and apple brats? The only thing worse than eating ground up lips and assholes wrapped in an intestine and cooked over a campfire is throwing apples into the mix. BLECH BLECH HOLY BLECH. O-M-G...I'm vomiting in my mouth. I had no idea that cooked apple pooper in an intestine turned your crank. How romantic. :P
The rest of the weekend sounded fun. However, after hearing what was on your menu for the weekend...you're on your way to making me look skinny. Keep it us, sista!!! bwahahahaha! Lurves ya. I'm totally phuking with you, Ted.
Okay, I'll re-phrase that: Emril does awesome stuff with lips, assholes, apples and intestine. Yum-AY!
Duder, Shorty took a pic of me in my bikini, and the way that I'm laying, my tummy pudge totally looks like definition! Score!
Who the hell is Ted???!!! (That reminds me, tell G I said hi!!)
Looking for information and found it at this great site... » » »
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