Ummmm - S'CUZE ME!!
Okay, like, I totally did not authorize this:

The softball tourney was alright - I got game MVP in our last game Saturday nite, we got out Sunday morning, and we took 7th, which sucked, but so did our fielding, so there ya go. The X Fights were super fun, and I went out with Normagene, Nick and Tim Saturday night to celebrate the boys' last night here. And I may possibly have lost a bet and ended up riding the bull at Kodiak Jacks. I didn't get bucked off, which Nick and I also made a bet on, but that was probably due to the fact that I bribed the bull operator with a free shot. The shot cost more than the bet would have, but it's the principle of the thing, dammit! I walked up there all big-eyed, fluttered my eye lashes, busted out some crap about how I was so scared and I'd never done anything like this before and please, oh, please, don't buck me off, I'm really nervous - and the duder ate it up. He even walked me out there and helped me on the bull! Nick, of course, knew I was totally playing and he was glaring at me and shaking his head the whole time. How is it my fault that boys are dumb and he's a poor loser?? :)
Sunday after we got spanked by AK Sheet Metal I picked the monster up, drug her back to our house and spent the rest of the day playing catch with her, cleaning the house and falling asleep on the chair.
I don't want to jinx it, but Shorty put in to get this weekend off (an actual full, whole, entire WEEKEND off!!!!!) and we're planning on taking the boat and the monster out to Birch Lake. WOO HOO!!!!
I don't care who Shorty's has to sleep with or bribe to make this happen, it will happen. :P
Well girly, I hope Shorty gets the time off and you have fun with the boat. The summer is going by way too fast. I realized this tonight as I could hear people sucking down margaritas on the deck of Jose Oshea's while I was simultaneously disecting a sheep's brain in anatomy and physiology lab. Holy freakin' BLECH. However, if size really does matter, we humans are indeed smarter than sheep. It was a bitty sheepish brain :) Kuddos to humans for being able to formulate f-bombs instead of 'bah...baaaaahhhh'(which I think translates to 'yo mofo, yo mofo, yo' in sheep.
K, one other thing...sheep brains STANK. That mother phuker smelled up the whole lab. See...7th place in softball and a cozy ride on a mechanical bull aren't soundin' so bad anymore, are they?! Step into my world for a minute. I'll trade out your Vickie's Secret perfume with formaldehyde and rotting flesh so you can see how I'm livin' these days. :) Only becuase I love you. By the way, I'm disecting a cow's eyeball on Wednesday. I'll think of you the whole time. xoxo
I thought you were in nursing school? How in the hay-ell is the disection of cow eyeballs and sheep brains supposed to help you in your endevour to nurse peoples back to health?? "Wow, doctor, I don't have any experience helping humans, but lucky for us this guy just happens to have a sheep's brain inside his head, of which I have extensive experience operating on. Lemme at em!!"
I'll trade your formaldehyde and rotting flesh for my stinky clients!
Yeah, I think human brains are in short supply. Most people want them forever immortalized via formaldehyde so they can be put in the ground with them, or they go through the KFC crisper (aka the crematorium). Actually, I'm pretty sure after you die they literally 'brain' you anyway. They stick a hook up yer fuzzy nose and pull the yummies out and stick 'em in a BioHazard bucket. Then they dress you up, stuff you in an expensive coffin, and put a ton of makeup on you to make you look more alive. HELLO!!! Makeup is only called 'liquid courage' when you are 'living'. It's pretty dumb once you are dead.
Unfortunately, a mammal eyeball is a mammal eyeball, and a mammal brain is a mammal brain. Subtle differences, but basically so we can get the picture enough to lose our lunch and go home stinky. BLECH, BLECH, BLECH. BTW...I like the two-toned color thing on what's-her-name has. Tres cute....pondering dye job. ;)
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