Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Diamonds - that'll shut 'er up!!!

Yes, I'm comparing my blog posts with diamonds. Not just because they're big, sparkly and incite envy amongst my friends, but because if I finally do a post, Whit will shut up and get off me. This post is for you, Fatty!

Aaaaaaand, since I have nothing more interesting than a softball tourney (we took 3rd, which sucked, but I got game MVP and I made the tournament Allstar team), friends coming in from out-of state (Mikey was here for a week and a half of crazy, drunken insanity, and the parts I remember were super fun!!!), allergies laying my butt out (I've never been allergic to anything in my LIFE, but apparently I've developed seasonal allergies, which kicked my butt for 3 1/2 weeks before I finally gave in and went to the doctor for some crack), two of my good friends getting married (CONGRATULATIONS, WARREN & SHEILAH!!!), and my birthday (I'm officially older than dirt) to write about, I hereby dedicate this post to Whit.

This is Whit and I with two of our roommates, being rowdy, as usual - yes, before you ask, there were margaritas involved - for most of us (Whit's the blonde second from the left in MY North Carolina Tar Heels sweatshirt and I'm the fuzzy half nekkid blonde at the end on the right) :

This is Whit (still in my sweatshirt) and me (in my most favoritest Tennesee Vols sweatshirt) busting down a Pink Panther sammich while our other roommate (who shall remain nameless for her own protection) looks shocked and appalled:

This is us at one of the million parties, erm, I mean Study Groups, that we hit (Whit is on the left, our other roommate and best friend is on the right and I'm in the back with the blue tongue - don't ask) :

This is us getting ready to hit up a UAF hockey game (I'm the line backer on the left, Whit's the meat in the sammich and our other best friend is the hottie on the right) :

This is us doing our Blonde Treasure Trolls imitation (Whit's on the left holding her yodeling bear, our best friend is being molested by my stuffed UAF bear and I've got Cookie Monster in a head lock) :

This is Whit and I busting down a cheerleader pose before a soccer game (I'm the cute one on the right) :

This is us getting ready to hit a Beginning of the Semster Beach Kick Off party (Whit's the tall-ass Amazon on the left and I'm the shrimp on the right) :

This is us busting down more pre soccer game cheerleading (If you can't tell us apart by now, I quit) :

And, last but not least, this is Whit and her bridesmaids channeling our inner Charlie's Angels on her wedding day (Whit's the hotty in the expensive white dress and I'm the dork on the left, shooting Lisa in the head) :


At 8:38 PM, Blogger tfg said...

What was your batting avg for the season?

At 8:27 AM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

SCREW YOUR BATTING AVERAGE!!! THIS IS ABOUT ME, DAMMIT!!!! Me me me me me me me me me me me!!! Thanks for the tribute post LB. I miss college and I am considering leaving my husband and children and heading back up to Fairbanks for the rest of my life. I don't want to be a big kid anymore. I want to go back to college!!!!! *whimper*sniff*sob*sniff*whimper*

At 10:01 AM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

TFG - So far I'm somewhere in the upper 700's in womens, but I'm sucking hind tit (according to Shorty) in co-ed. I'm probably 600-ish, if that. I know Kevin's keeping stats, he's just not being very forthcoming with the infomation.

Whit - come back to Squarebanks. As soon as Rhonda and Jer finish their house, we can kick the boys out and they can live at my house with the poker table and the bar. We can live in Rhonda's pretty new house and dedicate the rest of our lives to outdoing our college experience. Come on, Sally - you know you want to!

At 11:14 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

.600 in coed?? is that the new "seward math"? i suppose if you double your current avg you could be getting close to .600.... hope you enjoyed your birthday pucker and card bomby!

At 10:02 PM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

Okay...twist my arm..I'm there. I have a feeling we will be returning to Squarebanks one day. I have to have an 'indoor' job first... Hence the current schooling and the sucking ass that comes with that. Did I mention that I have to disect a cow's eyeball in the 'coming weeks'? They should be called the 'going weeks' cuz I'm totally skeeving outta my brain here and considering bailing. Thank god for beer. Beer makes life okay. Without beer...I'd be doing a stipper pole dance for munchkins at NASCAR *SHIVER*. Wait...even with beer I would do that *DOUBLE SHIVER*. GEEZUS! Linds...we would be SOOOoooo much trouble if we lived in the same town. I look forward to it. I'm only mentally stable when you are there 24/3...cuz I know we can't hang out all seven days of the week now that we are grown ups...FREAKIN' BOGUS!!!!! Beer going down. :P Lovin' my tribute post. You da bomb.


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