Thursday, May 25, 2006

So apparently I have allergies . . . .

I don't wanna play anymore, I quit! Today was a complete waste of very expenisive eyeshadow, due to the fact that I rubbed/clawed/gouged it off within a half an hour of being at work. My eyes itch, burn and water like crazy, my nose is so stuffy I have to breath out of my mouth and my throat is itchy like a mofo. This is absolutely retarded and I'm done. I've never been allergic to anything, and one little evening of raking leaves in the back, side and front yards has reduced me to a watery, sniffling, itchy, sneezy puddle of misery. (Now that's a good visual!)

God, I solemnly swear to never make fun of or feel superior to those with allergies if you just make this go away.

Give me a regular old run-of-the-mill cold over this garbage. This is horrible. I feel like crap, and I know I look like it, too. My eyes are red and swollen and I look like I've been sobbing hysterically for the past 398 hours. This morning, Megyn told me I looked 'tired,' which is 6-year-old for, 'Wow, Lindsey, you look like ass!!'

Ugh. Valdez is going to suck if I can't kick this, and I feel really, really sorry for everyone who's staying in the motorhome because I'm going to bring down the roof with the Demonic Snoring of Death.

Speaking of Valdez, we're leaving tonite at 6:30, and hopefully I'll have lots of fun blackmail pictures to post when I get back . . . . wish us luck!

(Yes, I know my little image-guy is Spanish, but he totally looks the way I feel.)


At 2:52 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

we would have left on time to valdez thursday nite, but someone was LATE as always... why are we always waiting on the bomb? do good things really come to those who wait???? im not so sure sometimes! haha


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