I jinxed my ass . . . .
I was o-fer in the first co-ed game (grounded out to the pitcher by trying to hit to right field - you'd think I'd learn!) and I was 1 for 3 in the second game, but only because Henry hauled ass to second and beat the throw, or else it would have been a fielder's choice and our third out. (My first hit was a great power shot out to left that the outfielder was waiting for ((bastard)) and my second hit should have been a nice grounder between short and second except that the short stop ((bastard)) stretched out and caught it.)
So apparently I bat great in women's but I suck in co-ed. >:(
In other news, I hated the dress I wore today so I hit up Old Navy during lunch and bought a cute new outfit and a matching purse. Life is better now. :)
Lindsey, just face it...you bat like a girl. Nuff said. Total props on the new duds though. Way to fix the world with a little retail therapy. :)
I'm gonna post some really cute pictures of my minpin soon. Shorty will shit.
I don't remember you being such a whiner. Is this new?
st, Lindsey has always been a whiner. She has endless sobbing-out-loud stories. She's a complete muffin. :)~
See Linds...you don't have to go back to UAF. Colleges are beating down your door right here on your blog. They must know what a smart girl you are!!!
i say we all call that guy and enroll as "ipee freely" or "seemore butts".... or in the bombys case, "see my butts"
I love that I have the opportunity to get my diploma in just two weeks guaranteed! I want to be a brain surgeon. Brain surgeon or a rocket scientist. Two weeks, and I'll be stylin'. Look out NASA...here I come!
Don't sneer at those accelerated degree programs. That's how I got my doctorate in gynecology.
Bwahahahaa!!! That's awesome.
Scott, I'm not whining!!! *footstomp* I'm simply complaining about how badly I've been batting in coed. It's my blog and I can whine if I want to! :P
Butchie, send me your minpin. You know you want to.
Whit, you're a buttmunch and you couldn't figure out which end of the bat to hit the ball with if there were instructions printed on the handle.
Kev, I quit, find yourself another rover.
TFG, I think I'll find myself another obgyn. Un-schedule our Thursday appt, will you?
Whit, I have a coupon for this great obgyn who might have an opening on Thursday . . . .
I will call Dr. Fingerton for that OBGYN appointment for Thursday. And you're right...I don't know anything about softball. My mom wouldn't let me play that sport because she said it was for women named Butch. :)~
Your hitting in co-ed sucks because you are playing against guys that don't get glazed versus womens league where the girls can't play or have no arms...
Shorty...is that you who is ripping on your woman? Good boy. Good dog. Love it. :)
I have to defend myself once in a while on these stupid blogs...I speak the truth people...do not be sucked into the bottomless abyss of Lindseys warped imagination...
Abyss?? Wow, that's a big word for you, dear. *pat pat*
Oh, by the way, you're sleeping in the garage tonite. Laught at that, smart ass . . . .
That's okay, Shorty. I've seen your garage...it's relatively posh. Just sleep in Lindsey's car. Make sure you pee on her seats and leave all your crap lying around in there, too. I know how much she loves to keep her car to be messy. You might want to stick a Denver Bronco logo or two on the back window(s) of her cab. She'd love it. AND...it would add value to her car. It's worth jack squat in its current condition.
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