Tuesday, May 02, 2006


Okay, so it's not my uterus. It's my back and it hurts like hell!

I had my first softball practice on Sunday, and instead of taking it easy and not screwing around, I decided to dick off and try to hit to right field. This constitutes me dancing around in the batters box like Happy Gilmore, completely twisting my stance around, taking a half swing and primarily using my back muscles to push the ball. Yeah, not smart. I have knots the size of golf balls trailing up my back muscles, it hurts to breathe, and I'm very, very whiney. (Couldn't tell, could ya??) Everytime I move it feels like someone's sucker punching me in the back.

I think this is God's way of telling me not to mess with my swing and that I'm not ment to hit to right field.

IT HURTS! :( *whimper*


At 10:51 PM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

I think it's God's way of telling you that you should drop the Snickers and start lifting weights. If the only way the pounds are going to come off of us is to be complete azzholes to one another...well, we can't be muffins. We just have to DO IT. Way to swing at that MO-FO bat. And shit...just beat Shorty into rubbing you down. If you can swing a bat, you can beat a man. It's not that tough.

At 11:03 PM, Blogger Spyder said...

dang it Steph beat me to the punch line ;_;

At 9:18 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you want to hit to right, just bat left handed.

Sure, there won't be much power going that way, but I'm sure you won't have a problem putting it on the ground and legging it out.....

At 12:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

She is used to no power...and all you quit trying to pressure me into rubbing out her golf balz

At 1:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

another pathetic attempt to be like her idol big kev and hit to right field.

At 5:01 PM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

Steph, Spyder, thanks for the sympathy. You guys suck! :P

Whit, when are we not azzholes to each other? Don't start being nice to me, I'll just be confused.

Scott - If Shorty the Lefty Loser can hit to left field batting left handed, then I'm determined to hit to right field batting right handed. It's on, dammit!

Shorty - shut up, get back in the kitchen and make me dinner.

Kev - you're not my idol. I have no urge to transform myself into a 6'3" bald yeti. (ZING!! HEE HEE!)

At 7:18 AM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

You're right, Linds...if we start being nice to each other now it would just be wrong. It would be like...like Nicole Ritchie guest hosting on Dirtiest Jobs. Oh so right, but oh so wrong. :)~

How's the diet going, loser? Do you still have crabs in your clam?

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