Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why do my Chiefs SUCK???!

Yeah, so the game against the Broncos didn't go so well last nite. The Broncos happen to be my second most hated team in the NFL. (Raiders are the first. They are eeeeevil.) After the depressing destruction of the KC offense, I drowned my sorrows in a beer, washed that down with steak and steamed crab (Shorty loves me and he's the best cook ever!) and then proceeded to work off some unhappiness on the exercise bike and the weight machine. (After a huge piece of cake and ice cream. Yes, I'm bad.) I had almost forgotten the dissapointing events of last nite, and bopped into my office this morning feeling bright and cheerful. I innocently open my email and what is the first message that greets me? It's a message from the person who's supposed to be my best friend. I notice that it's also a rather large file. I open it and discover that this gloating hose beast (who just happens to be a rabid Broncos fan) has attached pictures - pictures she took of her television screen! PICTURES OF THE BRONCOS ANNHILATING MY POOR CHIEFIES!!! (I hadn't even had a cup of coffee!! See how mean she is???!)

Fatty, watch yer back, because revenge is gonna be hot!! You thought replacing your alpha hydroxy lotion with shaving cream was bad? Juuuuust wait. I swear this will be worse than the time I hung all your crusty underwear outside our apt with a big sign that said "Which pair of underwear should Whitney Madision wear today? Call in and give us yor opinoin!" This is going to make the time I stole all your shoes and left you to go out to a party in your ice skates or work boots look like nothing! Stupid Broncos . . . . sniff . . . .


At 1:36 PM, Blogger karla said...

A Chiefs fan in Alaska? I bet you're the only one. I love the Chiefs, too, but that's because I used to live in Missouri. Ironically, when I lived in MO, I was a big Cowboys fan. Then I moved to Dallas and didn't love them so much anymore. Hmmm. Sounds like someone needs a shrink...

At 3:35 PM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

There are, like, three of us, I think. It's pretty sad.

You don't need a shrink, you're just 'selective.' :P

The only reason to like the Cowboys was Troy Aikman. (Who is not gay, no matter what the rest of the universe says. Leave me and my little fantasy alone.) The instant he retired the Cowboys went back on my Teams I Love To Hate list.

At 11:44 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read »


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