Wednesday, January 04, 2006

First Update of 2006! And it's creepy!

Okay, creepy client reaking of alcohol and breath mints just grilled me on how I liked working here, if I missed working at Wells Fargo, (I haven't been there for 4 years!) if I was married, because he didn't remember my last name being Brown, who Shorty was, (I have some of his business cards on my desk) if we were serious, asked me where our house was when I replied that we're pretty serious since we just bought a house together last summer, (I gave him a vauge answer about it being in the University West area) and asked if the house was nice, to which I replied yes, it's huge, I love it and I admitted that I'm currently repaiting when he asked about the paint flecks on my nails. I've seen this guy maybe four times, barely remember him and I'm a little creeped out. We were way finished with his transaction so it wasn't like he was trying to make small talk while I was working on something for him. Thank God the phone rang, and I stayed on the line a little longer than I needed to as he seemed intent on staying until I was done. He finally left, and I think I have a contact buzz.

I have a 63 year old stalker! Sa-WEET!!!


At 9:39 AM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

"one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel." - OMG, I thought my aunt and I were the only two people who said that! I love you, man!

Of course he's not loaded. If he was, I wouldn't have minded him grilling me!


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