Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Life is just about perfect . . .

As I was lounging in our new hot tub last night, glass of cabernet in hand, soft snow flakes falling gently into the water, all was peaceful and silent. A plane flew distantly over head, the branches of the surrounding trees were sparkling with crusted snow and I sank a little deeper into the steamy, bubbling water, and realized - life is just about perfect.

(Whit, stop reading here. I'm gonna get mushy and I wouldn't want you to yack all over your keyboard.)

Life would, at that moment, have been absolutely perfect if Shorty had been in the hot tub with me.

However, since his stinky butt was passed out on the love seat in a Nyquil-induced coma, I had to enjoy the nice, relaxing moment all by myself!!

I'm so abused and mistreated.


At 6:23 PM, Blogger tfg said...

I agree that there is something about the vigorous bubbling of a hut tub that is completely relaxing. Wait--I don't have a hot tub. I wonder if this is why bath time always smells so funny.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

That sounds almost as much fun as being anal probed by space aliens. Wait...nope. I was wrong. :P

At 4:27 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ohhh, hot tub! My favorite of all of our purchases! A hot tub makes life complete. A hot pool boy to towel you off and bring you margaritas would make it heaven


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