Monday, February 12, 2007

Help me, Obe Wan, you're my only hope!

Okay, you guys may not be as hot, as talented or as heroic as Obe Wan, (and I'm sure most of you are lacking the incredibly sexy accent) but you're all I've got to work with.

I have an existing ringtone on my cell for Shorty when he calls me, but it's not very imaginative. I was thinking about downloading the song 'Smack My Bitch Up' and using that as his ringtone, but I can't find it and I'm at a complete loss for other songs that would adequately express my love for my sweet, kind, wonderful boyfriend. I thought about 'White & Nerdy' and I haven't completely crossed that one out, but I thought I'd hit you guys up and ask if you have any good suggestions for what I could use as Shorty's ringtone.

No idea will be ridiculed or looked down on. The worst I could do is tell you you're a moron with pathetic tastes in ringtones. So, help - what do you think Shorty's ringtone should be?

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At 6:05 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

well the obvious one is "short people have no reason"!

At 6:06 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

and its "Obi" not obe silly! the force is definately not with you!

At 10:33 AM, Blogger AlaskanBarbieGirl said...

I know this will shock you, but I can't think of one at the moment. However, I think for you, your ringtone should be that song by Garth Brooks that says, 'Bring me two pina coladas, one for each hand, let's set sail with Captain Morgan, etc.

You're much easier than Shorty. :) and yes, I'm not just talking ringtones here.

I personally want the Monday Night Football ringtone for my sexy bitch.

At 5:18 PM, Blogger Arctic Skipper said...

Kevin, as a short person, I'm totally taking offense to that. We do to have a reason to live! Butthead . . . . And, seriously, potatoes, potahtoes - Obe, Obi - same damn thing. You and your force can go get bent.

Whit, I want the Monday Night Football ringtone as my main ringtone. Shorty's not cool enough to score that one.

Mmmm . . . pina colada . . . .

At 1:23 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

In light of the previous post, I'd suggest sound effects. Fart sounds, to be more precise.


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