Just Thought I'd Spice Things Up
Since I'm absolutely horrible at returning emails in a timely fashion, and, as interesting as my life is to me, I do get a little tired of writing the same thing 10 different times to 10 different family members, and global emails are out of the question as I get snarled at when I send such 'impersonal correspondance,' I started this blog as a quick and easy way for my family and friends to keep tabs on me and see what I've been up to. I'm very aware that, at any second, my dear, sweet Nana Boo Boo Head could hop on the internet and hit up my blog for a quick fix on her favorite grandchild, so, with this in mind, I try to keep things clean, thus maintaining my image of sweet, innocent purity.Those of you who know me better probably realize how difficult this must be for me, so every once in a while I cave, and the real Lindsey busts out. For example, this seemed like a perfect time for a little . . . .
Aaah. Much more gooder.
Sweet - Dr. Phil is hott!
And it's 'sic' not 'seek.' Assmaster.
I think I saw this on Cinemax a few nights ago. You should see the rest of the scene....
Once again, Obe, look in the dicktionary and see how it's 'SEEK' not 'SIC'. You must be lost in the space/time continuOM (ahem...continuum).
Your English teacher is rolling over in her grave :)~
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