Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Megyn and the 4 Wheeler

We bought Megyn a cute little 4 wheeler the other day so she can go riding with us! I was showing her how to ride it and we went for a few practice cruises around the neighborhood. Smart girl here thought that it would be a good idea to ride my bike while I was teaching her how to ride her 4 wheeler, that way we would go slow and I'd be able to hear her and talk to her since our 4 wheeler is really loud. So off we go and dear God did I get a work out! It was fun, though. :)

Here's Megyn cruising around the back yard:

And here's her cheese ballin' for the camera:

Quotes of the Day:

Big Kev to Lindsey B: "I think of you every time I close my eyes."

Lindsey B to Big Kev: "I think of you every time I walk down the hall past your shop to go poo."

Awww! Warm fuzzies!