Thursday, September 29, 2005

What the hell is all this white stuff?!?!?!!

It snowed. I am not happy.

Apparently, someone missed the memo I posted instructing that we weren't to have any snow in Fairbanks this winter.

On the bright side, I pulled myself back into a good mood with the purchase of a cute, soft, sage green scarf & glove set, and I'm still easily distracted by bright, shiny objects. (Like the top of Shorty's pointy little head . . . .)

Wednesday, September 28, 2005

I Need To Get A Few Things Off My Chest (so my boobs will look bigger)

1. Sheilah's wedding is in 9 months and we still haven't chosen brides maids dresses. AUGH!

2. I'll need to order said bridesmaids dress in 2 1/2 - 3 months and I'm not in that kind of shape yet. Gee, would pizza and Thai food have anything to do with that!?!?!! *grumble* That's it, nothing but Ex-Lax and water until June 2006!

3. Patricia's wedding is in less than a month and I'm still not sure if we'll be able to make it or if I have anything to wear. (That my gigantice, pizza lovin' ghetto booty will fit nicely into. That's not a size 28.)

4. Dude - why the hell is everyone getting married/popping out kids???!

5. I need a job that I like. A job that I can come home from and feel good about myself. I'm tired of feeling like nothing that I do is good enough. I can't be responsible for the production of our entire agency.

6. Co-worker either drives me insanely crazy or amuses the hell out of me. All this emotional bouncing around is draining. Maybe I need Prozac??? Or at the very least, a very large beer.
7. WHY can't I find one station on Live365 that plays music that I like?! I have to switch stations every three or four songs because something incredibly heinous will come and I'm starting to feel like an internet radio slut.

8. Okay, some random chick just wandered past my office cawing like a raven. Maybe she needs Prozac???

9. I am anal enough to actually have typed the word 'heinous' into my Microsoft Word to be sure I was spelling it correctly.

10. I am actually under the false impression that I could build Megyn a cute little bed for her bedroom. Somebody stop me before I hit up Home Depot for supplies and a how-to book.

11. I need to get off my butt and buy window treatments for our new house, which we've been living in for three months now.

12. I work in insurance. I do not, personally, make the rates for your insurance premiums. I refuse to be insulted by your ignorant personal attacks. If you don't like the price you're paying for insurance, feel free to walk your happy @$$ over to another company and take your negative attitude and ugly hot pink Ugg-wannabes elsewhere.

These are the things that are stressing me out right now. Yes, yes, I know, my life is rough.

We had our first soccer game last nite and I was pleasantly surprised to discover that a) I didn't completely suck @$$ and b) I wasn't sucking wind as badly as I had thought I would be. I also wasn't sore this morning, (but don't tell Shorty that because I'm going to try to squeeze a leg rub/back massage out of him tonite) but I'm attributing that to the half hour I spent in the Jaccuzi after the game.

I've so been enjoying my mornings for the past week and a half and am actually dreading the fact that my boss will be back on Monday. :(

The next deranged moron who traipses into my office brightly exclaiming, "Oh, look, it's snowing!" is going to get my stapler right between the eyes.

Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Why do my Chiefs SUCK???!

Yeah, so the game against the Broncos didn't go so well last nite. The Broncos happen to be my second most hated team in the NFL. (Raiders are the first. They are eeeeevil.) After the depressing destruction of the KC offense, I drowned my sorrows in a beer, washed that down with steak and steamed crab (Shorty loves me and he's the best cook ever!) and then proceeded to work off some unhappiness on the exercise bike and the weight machine. (After a huge piece of cake and ice cream. Yes, I'm bad.) I had almost forgotten the dissapointing events of last nite, and bopped into my office this morning feeling bright and cheerful. I innocently open my email and what is the first message that greets me? It's a message from the person who's supposed to be my best friend. I notice that it's also a rather large file. I open it and discover that this gloating hose beast (who just happens to be a rabid Broncos fan) has attached pictures - pictures she took of her television screen! PICTURES OF THE BRONCOS ANNHILATING MY POOR CHIEFIES!!! (I hadn't even had a cup of coffee!! See how mean she is???!)

Fatty, watch yer back, because revenge is gonna be hot!! You thought replacing your alpha hydroxy lotion with shaving cream was bad? Juuuuust wait. I swear this will be worse than the time I hung all your crusty underwear outside our apt with a big sign that said "Which pair of underwear should Whitney Madision wear today? Call in and give us yor opinoin!" This is going to make the time I stole all your shoes and left you to go out to a party in your ice skates or work boots look like nothing! Stupid Broncos . . . . sniff . . . .

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

It's officially over!

No more softball until next summer! :( We had our end of the season tourney (for late season) on Saturday. I went over to the place where Kev is house-sitting Friday nite and we drank an incredible amount of Corona, played Yahtzee and Rummy and watched Monk and The Simpsons. Oh, and we may possibly have polished off a bottle of Sour Apple pucker . . . . good thing our first game wasn't until 11 am on Saturday morning! Also a good thing that there are three guest bedrooms at the place that Kev is house-sitting, since it's way out in North Pole! Shorty was having boy nite at our house Friday nite. He invited his outcast poker geeks over for a crazy nite of poker. These are the guys who aren't our regular friends or our softball friends - these guys are complete losers - with the exception of John - who Shorty gets together with to play poker every once in a while. Apparently they're 'easy money.' They're also complete idiots who seem to think that poker is life - they throw around phrases like "Big Slick" and "I'm on tilt!" - they watch poker 24/7 on TV and know all the players and I have no desire to waste my time with these spazes. Hence the trip to Kev's. :)

Saturday started off a little chilly but then warmed up and it turned out to be a great day to play ball! Too bad our bats didn't show up. We had a few errors in the field, but our batting sucked (generally) and we lost our first three games, which put us right out of the tourney. What can ya do? I chose to have a few beers with my friends and watch the remaining games. Shorty and I were supposed to head over to a BBQ at Bobbi and Aaron's house Saturday nite but we are losers *grin* and fell asleep on the couch with the kittens. I think we woke up around 11 pm, decided that the two block trip down to Bobbi & Aaron's required much too much energy *cringe* and ordered dinner from Red Fox. We spent the rest of the nite snuggled on the couch watching movies and cuddling with our spoiled rotten kittens, Ariel & Jazz.

Other than softball, not much else went on this weekend. I had lots of cuddle time with Thing 1 & Thing 2, (Ariel & Jazz) I cleaned the house, read, and watched Laguna Beach while Shorty worked. (That's right - go make me some money!!!) This week promises to be just as exciting. ;) Megyn's spending the nite tonite, Shorty has a basketball game Wednesday, Thursday I don't think we have anything planned and then Shorty has another basketball game on Friday. Indoor soccer is starting up soon and I need to toss in some extra time on the bike in the mornings and evenings so I'm not totally sucking wind our first few games. I've taken a break from lifting, but I'm pretty much over this cold, so I need to stop slacking and start hitting up the weight machine again. Plus, Patricia's wedding is in a few weeks and I refuse to look like a heifer poured into a cute dress! ;)

Friday, September 09, 2005

AUGH! Stress!

This past week has been crazy! We finally got the foundation fixed - Shorty's dad brought in a loader (I think it's called a loader - it's a great big yellow thingy that has a scoopy guy on one end!) so we dug around the corner and the side of the house with shovels until we found the power line (that the previous owner had cut twice!) and then Pops cleared the dirt the rest of the way. After we had a beer, (heh) we stapled double layered, heavy visquine to the house and filled the trench. It took us all day Monday, and by the time we were done we were just beat! But now I get to start picking out paint and carpet for the downstairs guest room! :)

Nikkie, Sam and the kids came down Sunday evening so Megyn came over to play. Shorty and I went out to Kevin's and took everyone's money in poker Sunday nite, which was fun. Poor Kevin is convinced that Siri's parents' house is haunted. I think Shorty busted @$$ one too many times and riled the ghosts! It could have been the garlic and Bud Lite burps, too . . . . :S

Other than that, not much else is going on. Dad's birthday was Wednesday, so I called and sang him happy birthday on his voice mail. I didn't think the 'Mr. President' version was appropriate to sing to my father (since we're not from Arkansas) so I busted down with a very high, veeeery off-key version of my own. That's love! Sorry, Dad! I'm sure it was awful! Love you! Hee hee.

Softball is almost over. We have one more late season game next Wednesday and then the Late Season tournament is Saturday the 17th. Indoor soccer is starting soon, though, so I'll be busy with that soon enough.

I haven't decided if I'm going to play volleyball this winter. Honestly, it's just not fun anymore. I'll give it a couple of times and then we'll see.

We don't have any big plans for the weekend. Shorty's going over to Jeff's to play poker with those idiots (excluding John - he's not an idiot) so I'm going to head over to Kevin's haunted house and play poker with some of our softball buddies. Saturday I have big plans to clean the house and cuddle with Ariel Kitten and Jazzy Cat. We might have a poker party at our house on Saturday nite - that one's still kinda up in the air. Shorty's working on Sunday, so I'll probably putter around the house and relax. I should probably straighten the garage. Shorty got all rowdy and decided to rearrange it but he hasn't finished so I haven't been able to work out since all our equipment is strewn all over the garage. (And I'm too lazy to work around it.) Oh, wait, I have Megyn on Sunday. Mabey we'll bake cookies (that Shorty can't have - ha ha!) and do a foot spa. My pedicure is starting to chip . . . . I've given up on doing anything with my finger nails until softball's over. I need to remember to make an appt to get a set of nails put on after the 17th. God, I'm turning into such a girl!!! UGH! :P

It's starting to get chilly! :( The trees are turning orange and yellow - it's just gorgeous - but it's been rainy and overcast the past few days. It' s only 59 degrees outside right now, though. I'M NOT READY FOR WINTER YET!! SOB! :(

Friday, September 02, 2005

Because I was cruel

I took a rough trip down memory lane the other day when an old friend sent me an email that brought up some distant memories. I'm sure that all of us have done things that we're ashamed of and would rather have handled better, or have treated people badly and wished that we could take it back. What makes some of these rememberances so hard is the realization that you hurt someone, truly hurt someone, who didn't deserve it. I did this through my own selfishness and foolishness.

I dated a guy my freshman year of college and we fell really, really hard for each other. It started over the course of a semester, and, once we actually started seeing each other, things happened so fast. We were coming to the point in our relationship where we were starting to plan our college careers, athletic obligations and lives around each other. And then I did something incredibly, astronomically stupid. I allowed myself to be manipulated and, instead of following my heart and doing what I knew was right, I tried to keep everyone happy, and in the process, this person got hurt. We went our seperate ways and I eventually transferred to a different school. He searched me out through mutual friends, against the advice of those mutual friends and several aquaintences, and we talked a few times after that. We reconciled and he said he forgave me, however many times I stated that I didn't deserve to be forgiven, and, although we wanted to see if we could give it another try, we were states apart and weren't in an financial position to go see each other. We discussed saving up to do so and I made a few promises that I think he doubted I could follow through on. He really did want to see me get rid of this certain aspect of my life that was very destructive and hurtful, not so much because it would have made room for him to come back into my life, but because he is a very caring person and knew that I was wasting my time and, eventually, would be put into a very bad position. It turns out he was right. I followed through on my promises, and, through events that I should have been smart enough to foresee, was forced to make one of the most difficult decisions of my life. I came back up to school at UAF with the intent of transferring as soon as I was accepted to a school closer to him. Time went by and I never heard from him again, which, I believe, was the way things were meant to be. I've never really felt that I adequately apoligized for how badly I'd hurt him, though. I've replayed incidents in my mind and honestly, there's no excuse for what I did. It was wrong, unfair, and terribly hurtful. The fact that I was young, naive and had greater consideration for myself than for others only makes it worse. It's memories like these that make us see how far we've come, how much we've grown and how, no matter how much you wish it, there are some things that you'll never get to make right.

So - to Jason, who I'm sure will never know that this is here, I'm so sorry and I hope you found the happiness and fulfillment that you truly deserve, and to Shorty, thank you for helping me to discover what it's like to love someone else more than you love yourself.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Our Kittens Have Telepathic Powers

I discovered this quite by accident. I was in the laundry room throwing a load of towels in the washer and Ariel was playing Roll The Ball Into The Kitchen Cabinets And Make As Much Noise As I Possibly Can when she suddenly freaked out and came running into the laundry room, meowing at the top of her fuzzy little lungs! I swear, it sounded like someone was skinning her. She turned around and went rushing down the stairs, still shrieking. I figured she'd either found a hidden stash of cat nip and was hallucinating slathering pit bulls or her tail had spontaneously combusted and caught fire, so I ran downstairs after her. I get to the bottom of the stairs and hear Jaz letting lose with the panicked, Oh, My God, Someone Save Me, I've Been Abandoned and I'm So Terrified! song and dance that the two of them do when one of them discovers that he or she is all alone in a room and he/she doesn't see or hear anyone. Ariel is sitting in front of the door that leads to the garage, trying to scratch rips into the woodwork while Jaz is going for Best Vocals From A Lead Actor on the other side of the door. Let me give you a little backgroung here - Jaz has this unnatural obsession with the garage. Lately he's developed this routine of following me into the garage in the morning, while Shorty and Ariel are still asleep in bed, and sitting at my feet while I ride the exercise bike. After about 5 minutes of this he starts meowing and pawing at my PJ pants until I pick him up. I finish the remaining 25 minutes of my morning workout with a happily purring, completely passed out little black kitten in my arms. He'll wake periodically when the resistance turns lower and I pedal harder, glower at me for jostling him, meow piteously and curl back to sleep. Back to the story - about 5 minutes before Ariel received her telapathic panic message from her brother and decided to play Lassie, I had gone down to the garage to grab the empty water bottle from the exercise bike. I'm guessing that Jaz followed me out there, thinking that we were going to play his new favorite game of Snuggle With Mom While She's Trying To Workout. He must have gotten shut in the garage, realized he was all alone and sent out a distress signal. So, along with being rescued and getting Apology Cuddle for locking him in the dark, terrifying garage, he got the nice little side benefit of scaring 5 years off my life.

So I'm thinking that maybe they can teach me this new little telepathy trick. It could come in really handy with Shorty . . . 'Honey, I need a beer!' ^_^

I'll do a real update soon!