A Whole New Kind of Stupid
shot me, held me hostage and threatened my family, but I still love him!
Wow. There's not a whole lot you can do about that kind of crazy.
Best Wake Up Ever!
I woke up this morning laying on my right side with Shorty snuggled up against my back, Jazz (our black kitten) sprawled up against my stomach and Ariel (our gray kitten) cuddled under my chin and in the crook of my arm. Right about then the alarm went off, but I slapped at the snooze button and we snuggled and petted the kittens for a few mintues before I rolled out of bed to go work out. It was the best wake up ever. I'll admit, though, it is a little weird that our kittens like to snuggle under the blankets. Absolutely adorable, but weird.Not much else is up. I've been slacking with the updates, but that's because Shorty's been monopolizing the computer at home. I'll casually approach the computer desk, see that he's online playing poker (still) and politely inquire if I can use our computer when he's done, at which point he hisses at me, pets the computer monitor and murmurs, "Myyyyyy preeeeeccccccciousssssssssssssss." It's gone from cute and funny and moved right on into creepy. He has sharing issues.*** Edit - the picture I've insterted is of Ariel & Jazz playing with wrapping paper during Megyn's birthday party. ***